Newly chosen Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen claims that as an emergency room physician, she saw a patient die from an...
Abortion Clinic Days is a blog where abortion workers write about their experiences working in abortion facilities. The text at the top...
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth both prove that pregnancy and motherhood does not disempower women. Bearing a...
Sen. Kamala Harris, the former attorney general of California, has joined Sen. Dianne Feinstein in being fact checked by mainstream media. Both...
In an article published today, Secular Pro-Life shows in detail how “compared to pro-life states, pro-choice states have more insurance coverage of contraception...
Abortion is thought of as a women’s issue, but it affects men, too, and not always in a positive way. In fact,...
For parents who are pro-life, vaccination can be a difficult decision to make. Some groups take the position that parents, and especially...
Oregon was the first state to legalize assisted suicide for the chronically and incurably ill. One common argument in support of assisted...
One of the biggest lies surrounding Planned Parenthood is that it does lots of good work, and since federal money cannot fund...
It may sound like science fiction, but it’s reality across the pond, where a United Kingdom bioethics body said in July that...
Former abortion worker Ruth Yorstan told her story at a 2012 conference sponsored by The Pro-Life Action League. Her parents were strongly pro-abortion;...
Recently, scientists have made breakthroughs in the creation of human-animal hybrids known as chimeras, (ky-MEER’-ehz), or a mix of human cells with an...
Abortionist Gabrielle Goodrick recently penned an open letter to doctors, claiming that they must support abortion or put themselves in “professional jeopardy.”...
Currently, a grief-stricken orca mother is in the news. The aquatic mammal has spent weeks dragging a dead calf through the ocean...