Since its founding by eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood has been no friend to the Black community. While the organization was initially...
Michael Harriot, commentator for The Root, recently claimed that being a Black pro-life woman and seeking the protection of innocent Black babies in...
In late October, the case of an illegal immigrant teen in government custody seeking an abortion came to a close when the...
As Canada moves to embrace assisted suicide, the country has found itself going further and further in just several short years. Assisted...
After the U.S. Senate failed to pass several attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (known as ObamaCare), which would defund Planned...
Today, the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, chaired by Rep. Steve King (IA), held the first hearing on...
In the current draft of its new strategic plan for 2018-2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) defines human...
While Planned Parenthood and its political supporters attempt to downplay the number of the organization’s abortions using fuzzy math, even the Washington...
In a recent W Magazine interview, former Planned Parenthood president Faye Wattleton spoke about the founding of Planned Parenthood, about her own...
In 1999, photographer Michael Clancy snapped a photo of then 21-week-old preborn Samuel Armas, who was grasping his surgeon’s hand through a...
There is much debate in religious circles surrounding abortion. While it is clear that being pro-abortion is incompatible with Christianity, there are...
A Wisconsin bill would bar the University of Wisconsin at Madison staff from training its students to do abortions at Planned Parenthood...
An article in the Sacramento News Review entitled “Inside the Abortion Clinic” gives insights into the emotional struggles women endure in abortion facilities....
Science has proven that a fetus can feel pain — and research shows that it may be even earlier than 20 weeks,...