Alliance Defending Freedom, an internationally-involved legal organization (who, incidentally, wins nearly 80% of its cases), has released 11 short videos exposing the...
As congressional hearings on Planned Parenthood continue and the federal budget deadline looms, it’s not too difficult to know where some politicians...
In a series of undercover videos uploaded by the Center for Medical Progress, it has become evident that aborted baby body parts...
Since the release of the first undercover video demonstrating a scandal-rich, law-breaking Planned Parenthood, the White House has towed the line, making...
It’s needless to say that Carly Fiorina’s remarks on Planned Parenthood easily stole the show at last night’s GOP debate. While all...
Reeling from backlash over recent scandal, Planned Parenthood is trying its very best to convince America that women need Planned Parenthood, and...
Selling body parts of aborted babies is just business, and a good idea for business practices too, say Planned Parenthood executives in...
Pro-life writer Melinda Tankard Reist shares the testimonies of women who regret their abortions in her book Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s Stories...
The 10th undercover Planned Parenthood video from The Center for Medical Progress exposes the fears the abortion giant has if their baby selling...
While polls indicate that the American public is reacting strongly against Planned Parenthood, as evidence of its illegal and unethical behavior continues to...
Scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood has admitted to yet another core problem: they care more about the headlines than the law. In today’s new...
“In some ways it is very boring, these abortions — the same thing day after day. In fact the nurses are excited...
Many abortionists don’t speak too openly about their decision to perform abortions, perhaps out of fear or guilt or shame of stigmatization. But...
Pro-life Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz issued a reminder to the nation that if there is a federal shutdown over Planned Parenthood...