“In some ways it is very boring, these abortions — the same thing day after day. In fact the nurses are excited...
Many abortionists don’t speak too openly about their decision to perform abortions, perhaps out of fear or guilt or shame of stigmatization. But...
Pro-life Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz issued a reminder to the nation that if there is a federal shutdown over Planned Parenthood...
Janet from Rhode Island was very early in her pregnancy when she went to Planned Parenthood for advice on what to do. In...
In an article from New York Magazine (August), published online today, Rebecca Traister (pictured) claims that the undercover videos released by The Center for Medical...
The book Bad Choices: A Look inside Planned Parenthood by pro-life writer and researcher Douglas R. Scott has a great deal of...
In the Atlantic, Jacoba Urist writes on the controversy over the approximately 37% of publicly-funded School-Based Health Centers which offer teens contraception,...
In a transcript released by the Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola makes a startling...
Over and over, the American public is blasted with a deceptive message: Women need Planned Parenthood. In the words of Planned Parenthood...
Planned Parenthood has lost over 400,000 clients since undercover investigations into the abortion giant began to intensify in 2006, based on numbers from their own annual...
In my research over the past few weeks, I’ve learned something surprising about the abortion-breast cancer link. Many of the big named cancer...
Nearly every pro-lifer has seen a picture of a pre-born baby on ultrasound or photographs of children in the womb. Leonard Nielsen,...
Planned Parenthood is fighting for its life. Or more accurately, they are fighting desperately to continue receiving millions in tax dollars, using...
President Barack Obama certainly has a penchant for supporting abortion, even using Obamacare to do it. The health care law has been...