If you thought Amanda Marcotte the biologist was bad, just wait ’til you meet Amanda Marcotte the constitutional scholar. At RH Reality...
A recent Facebook post celebrating organ donation as saving lives suggests the general public may be confused about what is disclosed in...
In an open letter to several congressional leaders, dated August 31, the Center for Medical Progress publicly laid out a compelling case against...
In response to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards’ August 27th letter to Congress in defense of PP, David Daleiden of The Center for...
Yet another undercover video is out introducing the world to the real Planned Parenthood and their associates. The worst revelation this time...
As the war on Planned Parenthood heats up, so does the Republican divide on how to best go about taking away the...
The ninth video from the Center for Medical Progress has just been released, and it is as horrifying as the previous eight...
Sunday, on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile engaged in a heated discussion on...
We tend to talk about “ending abortion” as an abstract, faraway goal. Yes, the pro-life movement has the basic outline of a...
A heated discussion broke out on Fox News Channel’s The Five when the hosts – Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Kimberly...
An Ipsos poll conducted for Reuters from August 13-18, 2015, found that the American public is strongly reacting against Planned Parenthood after...
In a letter to several congressional leaders, 92 organizations pledged ongoing support to Planned Parenthood. The letter praised the services Planned Parenthood...
In an effort to discredit the overwhelming evidence against them, Planned Parenthood commissioned an analysis into videos released by Center for Medical...
Silent No More is an organization that gathers the testimonies of post-abortive women and men. They recently released a document containing the stories of women...