If Planned Parenthood is defunded, health care access to poor women would expand. Planned Parenthood is good at some things, admittedly, but...
(JillStanek.com) In a July 30 interview with Christianity Today, David Daleiden, leader of the Planned Parenthood-upending pro-life group Center for Medical Progress,...
Here’s the heart. My fingers will smoosh it if I try to pick it up. The heart is right there… A lot...
Since the release of four videos from the Center for Medical Progress featuring top Planned Parenthood employees discussing their fetal parts business, the...
Life has gotten hard for Planned Parenthood boss Cecile Richards. Well, not really: she still makes almost six hundred thousand dollars a...
Nothing says ‘reliable’ like a Planned Parenthood, or so says the White House. President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest said today that...
The Center for Medical Progress has released the fourth undercover video in their Human Capital Project, which has created a scandal that Planned...
A striking feature in all three undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress is the callous way in which abortion...
In an emergency e-mail appeal to supporters with the subject line “This is an emergency (Planned Parenthood),” the president of NARAL Pro-choice America,...
Three undercover videos have now been released by the Center for Medical Progress. While the third is far more graphic than the...
The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress delves further into Planned Parenthood’s grisly business of selling the body parts of...
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains — and Planned Parenthood in general — is finally being exposed for what it really is....
(JillStanek.com) As if Planned Parenthood needed any more heat, it drew fire July 24 for an ill-conceived tweet attacking pro-life undercover investigators who...
Planned Parenthood has always wanted to work with minors. They have created a market for themselves by linking up with the sex ed...