Years ago, Rayna Rapp discovered that her baby would be afflicted with down syndrome. She and her partner chose for her to...
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) and the Family Research Council (FRC) have jointly unveiled a new website that will help many families and individuals find abortion-free...
Americans are unable to make an informed choice if they are denied information, but that’s just what continues to happen with abortion coverage...
The latest in a pro-choice effort to normalize and de-stigmatize abortion among women is the 1 in 3 Campaign. It’s set up the...
Abortionist Curtis Boyd, who has been committing abortions since before they were legalized in 1973, was featured Friday by UK-based publication The...
A lucrative Planned Parenthood affiliate in New York pulls out all the stops to bring viewers the most awkward and misleading video experience...
Longtime readers know that pro-abortion publications like Slate, RH Reality Check, ThinkProgress, and Jezebel don’t exactly have the most stringent evidentiary standards for their attacks on pro-lifers....
As an online writer, I come across a fair number of memes. Some of them are cleverly arranged to convey a well...
Canadian talk radio star Jian Ghomeshi is known for his social activism. In college, Ghomeshi ran for student government on a feminist...
Rebecca Traister attempts to come off as some authority on women, feminism, and the reality of abortion in her New Republic piece...
The American Life League released an amusing video this week chronicling the “Planned Parenthood rejects” of 2014. The bottom line is that...
Pro-life activist Jill Stanek’s new website recently went up at! One such eye-catching piece, titled “Anti-abortion group: Don’t call us pro-life… sides...
Last month, the issue of assisted suicide and euthanasia was forced into front-page news when Brittany Maynard, a beautiful newlywed diagnosed with brain...
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider, ending over 300 thousand lives every year. Most abortions are done early on and involve vacuum...