A recent story at Esquire chronicled the abortion practice of Willie Parker, an abortionist who commutes from Chicago to Mississippi to commit...
In a piece entitled “Quackery and Abortion Rights,” the New York Times explained its opinion that Texas’ new abortion safety law is...
Pro-aborts are officially running out of things to attack pro-lifers over. In a convoluted attempt to give the situation in Ferguson, Missouri...
Most Americans aren’t fond of abortion. They may support keeping it legal under limited circumstances, but they don’t like it. Recent polls...
Esquire ran a piece last month lauding the abortion “ministry” of Willie Parker, a Chicago abortionist who rotates into Mississippi to commit abortions...
Embrace Grace, an organization dedicated to helping single, pregnant mothers to find the strength needed to choose life and find hope in...
In Minnesota, a state full of dedicated pro-life advocates, the abortion rate last year reached its lowest since 1974. Credit for the continued decrease...
While the abortion industry is certainly rejoicing, pro-lifers have cause for concern with the latest court rulings. Operation Rescue has reported on...
Most Americans who call themselves “pro-choice” aren’t abortion activists. They believe it should be legal, but not after the first trimester; they...
In recent months, Live Action has released a series of videos investigating Planned Parenthood’s dangerous sex advice for children. When asked by...
A pro-abortion “activists” couple thought they were cute when they decided to counter protest pro-lifers outside an abortion clinic in North Carolina. But...
Wendy Davis has released a new campaign ad attacking Greg Abbott for how he sided in an old state Supreme Court case....
In the book Abortion under Attack: Women on the Challenges Facing Choice, which was released in 2006, pro-choice writer Jenny Higgins says...
A public school district in Fremont, California is coming under fire from local parents for including a sexually explicit 400-page textbook in...