Universities are thought to be places where a free range of ideas are encouraged, where all sides of an issue can be...
Shortly after Hobby Lobby’s win at the U.S. Supreme Court, pro-abortion proponents took to social media, calling the high court’s decision a...
This week the Supreme Court ruled in favor of religious freedom giving closely held businesses the freedom from the requirement that they purchase...
Being a rock star in real life doesn’t mean it translates to journalism. Former pop sensation Cyndi Lauper lambasted the Supreme Court...
Dr. William Harrison was a Los Angeles abortionist who performed many thousands of abortions in his career. The New York Times paid...
On July 2, the New York Times ran an article by a young woman who had an abortion. Lisa Selin Davis,...
“Congratulations! You win the award for most abortions!” As ridiculous as the idea sounds, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains” has shown...
The way abortion advocates tell it, women have been clamoring for a movie featuring abortion – and not just abortion, but a...
NARAL added to its tidy collection of lies today when the group released a meme that juxtaposed Viagra and a pack of...
Today, in a much-awaited ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a 5-4 decision in favor of Hobby Lobby. Now, the beloved craft...
Many of us have become immune to the term “the Hobby Lobby case” by now. The case, Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, has been...
If an elephant never forgets, then maybe it’s time for the Republican Party to get a new mascot. Particularly after Ken Cuccinelli’s...
McCullen v. Coakley involved a sidewalk counselor suing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for infringing upon her First Amendment rights by having a...
On June 26 the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a law requiring pro-lifers to stay 35 feet away from the entrance of...