Robert Leeson is no stranger to the world of academia or economic policy. As a published author in a number of the...
Whether you support abortion or not, when you think of Wendy Davis, it’s likely for one thing: her extensive filibuster of a...
Last week, Live Action highlighted a bold op-ed by Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Driscoll, writing for Fox...
Alan Dershowitz is not only one of the country’s most prolific legal commentators, he’s also one of the few to gain fans...
The classic Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” gave us one of pop culture’s most memorable plot twists, in which a seemingly...
There have always been those who support abortion for racist reasons. Though the majority of pro-choice people do not fall into this...
Wendy Davis seems to want Texans to forget about the one issue she built her campaign for governor on: abortion. She released...
The West Alabama Women’s Center is asking pro-abortion supporters to “adopt” an “anti” by donating a certain amount of money each time...
In September, Katie Couric showcased the topic of snowflake adoptions on her daytime talk show, Katie. Snowflake adoptions are the adoptions of frozen embryos...
Mother Jones: “Nebraska Court Decides 16-Year-Old Is Too Immature for an Abortion, But Motherhood’s Okay” Slate: “Nebraska Court Rules Teen Too Immature...
1) Restricting Abortion Does Not Protect Women Vicki Cowart, Planned Parenthood New Mexico CEO: Efforts like this [fetal pain bill in New...
Every year, we celebrate International Women’s day, a day set aside to celebrate females of all ages – newborns, young children, teenagers...
Whenever a pro-lifer dares to compare abortion to slavery, pro-aborts go apoplectic. Candor about abortion’s horror is a major no-no, and besides,...
As Capitol Hill freaks out over conservatives in the House of Representatives working to protect America from the unconstitutional, abortion-promoting monstrosity known...