54,000,000 plus and counting. On its face – it just seems like a really big number. However, this number represents something much more...
Yesterday was the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Pro-life Americans were invited to join prayer vigils at gravesites for the...
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is embroiled in a legal battle with state-based TV channel WisconsinEye. The channel is basically Wisconsin’s local version...
Women’s rights clearly include their right to health and to make fully informed decisions regarding their bodies. Does a woman’s right to...
Lately it may not be as popular as purposely vague platitudes about “women’s health care” and indignant assertions of “bodily autonomy,” but...
The Washington Post editorial board has published a brain-teaser for its readers. The article is called “Ken Cuccinelli’s ‘personhood’ travails.” A better...
By now you may have heard of the post by the author who goes by “bacon” on Return of Kings. It’s quite...
I swear I didn’t set out to spend three posts in a row haranguing the hacks at RH Reality Check, and I...
First Arizona; now Nebraska. Abortion is plummeting in some states, and the trend seems to follow staunch pro-life efforts that seek to...
It never ceases to amaze what passes for “qualified” among pro-aborts. A couple weeks ago, we marveled at how an alleged “senior...
Abortion advocates like to call pro-lifers the extremists, but is that really the case? As evidence, let’s examine Jessica Valenti’s latest pro-abortion...
Despite congratulating themselves on the supposedly “unnecessary” abortion regulations — a conclusion pro-aborts basically came to by investigating themselves — a fairly...
Watching the chatter on lefty and pro-abortion blogs this week, you’d think Christmas came early this year. The whack-a-kid crowd is positively...
Whether you’ve stood on a sidewalk outside of abortion clinics, worked on a pro-life campaign, counseled at a pregnancy resource center, or...