Last week we reported on Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Texas being fined $1.4 million for misappropriation of public funds. Perhaps we...
The past few years haven’t been great for abortion. More and more people are calling themselves pro-life, including more young Americans than...
A common criticism of pro-lifers is that their arguments are steeped in emotionalism, not facts. Women have abortions all the time, they...
One of the main arguments given for legalizing abortion in Ireland is that troubled women would become suicidal if they were forced...
“A bizarre surprise turned up in a state fair in North Dakota,” begins the reporter, in a tone typically reserved for stories...
Let's actually look at his sources.
What a picture is worth.
Women know exactly what they're doing all the time, except they're also too "confused" to understand what a CPC does.
Moral cover for murder advocacy.
Health risks not even a blip on the radar.
It's all coming together.
Thousands and thousands of dollars.
Free choice?
Someone needs a wake-up call.