Choices for me, but not for thee.
Would you expect a country that prohibits all abortion to have a higher or lower rate of maternal mortality?
Our born children, too, must be sacrificed for the sake of the "pro-choice" agenda.
Shocking because it's true.
It's time for women to know the facts.
Overwhelmingly popular law that hurts Planned Parenthood's income? It has to go!
Is it safe?
Elucidating adoption.
Music therapy for a "clump of cells"?
We will never be "those monsters." Until we are.
A defensible graphic on an indefensible aspect of our society.
It gets no less ridiculous with repetition.
Pro-abort Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and John Conyers (D-Mich.) provide a case study in how to treat women like garbage.