He is not exactly a model citizen.
When Dr. Goei eventually did go before a judge, it was not for murdering the baby, dumping the body in the garbage,...
Intelligent and thoughtful teens are getting a bit tired of the nonstop push by the free love generation that makes women into...
A balm, not a burden.
The more you know, the more disgusted you'll be.
A hero.
Experts weigh in.
Facepalms upon facepalms.
No fines, no jail time. Nothing.
So much for excellent medical care.
In other words, "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?"
Some students are more equal than others.
As of April 29, 2013, Planned Parenthood of Delaware has temporarily closed its doors. It seems that Ruth Lytle-Barnaby, the clinic’s new...
First, I would encourage you to watch the footage from Tuesday’s Hannity Live where Sean Hannity invited Lila Rose and Tamera Holder...