The world is upside-down.
Sometimes the only thing these folks do by trying to undermine an argument is strengthen it.
It all comes back to racist population control for Richards and Planned Parenthood.
Do we really have to show why informed consent laws and government-forced abortions are very different?
Sometimes it's better to eschew asserting our own views and try out the Socratic method.
We must stand together now and over the coming years, and courageously, we will finish the work we started. We will bring...
Never mind for now the ghoulishness of deciding whether to kill a child based on finances...
This is a pretty easy one to figure out.
Just one symptom of a bigger disease.
Don't tear your hair out on hearing this argument. Read on, and learn how to combat it.
A whole article full of fail. Really depressing.
On Wednesday night, President Barack Obama, yet again, falsely referred to Planned Parenthood as a mammogram provider. However, Planned Parenthood is not...
Let's think about when it's okay to kill a baby in the womb.
Is this actual outrage, or just pro-abortion opportunism?