Never mind for now the ghoulishness of deciding whether to kill a child based on finances...
This is a pretty easy one to figure out.
Just one symptom of a bigger disease.
Don't tear your hair out on hearing this argument. Read on, and learn how to combat it.
A whole article full of fail. Really depressing.
On Wednesday night, President Barack Obama, yet again, falsely referred to Planned Parenthood as a mammogram provider. However, Planned Parenthood is not...
Let's think about when it's okay to kill a baby in the womb.
Is this actual outrage, or just pro-abortion opportunism?
One more in a series of offenses from Washington.
Mind-blowing stupidity, merciless pandering, or both?
A question of faith and priorities.
The logic of the vice president's position leads to a very bad place.
At least she's consistent.
What did the early Christian authorities really think of abortion?