Cue "war on women" screaming from pro-aborts.
If you’re considering abortion and educating yourself through Planned Parenthood, it’s a foregone conclusion that your decision won’t be informed.
The Constitution does not provide an unconditional right to life to any person. Pro-choice hysteria to that effect is unfounded.
This makes about as much sense as PETA commending a slaughterhouse.
Logical fallacies abound in this shockingly ill-argued pro-choice screed.
The history of the United States includes examples of both sex discrimination and race discrimination, but the elimination of discriminatory practices has...
The NARAL president might want to check her sources.
One of the pro-abortion movement’s more colorful fundraising ideas in recent memory...if “colorful” in this case means “completely tasteless."
As if we didn’t have enough on our plate with the battle over forced contraception coverage, the Obama administration is currently embroiled...
When any person or organization supports Planned Parenthood – or abortion in any way – I am sad. I am doubly sad...
A few days ago, Raw Story released an article titled “Jan Brewer signs abortion ban defining pregnancy before conception.” This headline makes...
If you write for the health section of a prominent website, shouldn’t you have a working knowledge of basic human biology? Apparently...
Even though Lori Lamerand, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood in Mid and South Michigan, claims that abortions will not be done...
Francis Grady, the 50-year-old Wisconsin man who set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, is pleading guilty to...