Though the moral cost of abortion is rightly the primary focus of pro-life activists, it’s also worth noting that the “right to...
Parents, public school teachers, principals, and Health Advisory Board members in and around Oakland County, Michigan have enthusiastically welcomed a new sexual...
UPDATE 7/4/2012: After more thinking on the subject, I now realize that a few of my illustrations toward the end of this article...
The Chiaroscuro Foundation, which has been working to raise awareness of New York City’s shocking abortion rate (nearly double the national average), just...
Lately, the mainstream media’s been doing a pretty good job of reminding pro-lifers that we hate women, but surely our malice isn’t...
Last month I published an episode of Life Report on a complicated moral question that is very practical for pro-life advocates: should...
We’ve all heard Planned Parenthood’s trite mantra that “only 3%” of their services are abortion procedures in order to downplay the pivotal...
Under the Federal False Claims Act and Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act, the Alliance Defense Fund is representing former Planned Parenthood abortion...
What happens when Texas says that non-abortion providers should have first priority to health care funds? The Obama administration responds with funding...
Today, the Alliance Defense Fund announced that they have filed a complaint against Planned Parenthood on behalf of former Planned Parenthood director,...
Somebody emailed me this blog post by someone who goes by the name “uncloseyourmind.” I want to offer a brief response to...
Planned Parenthood now offers an online chatting service to anyone that visits their webpage, where they claim to give out “factual information...
The Contraceptive Mandate from the Department of HHS is actually both a contraceptive and an abortion mandate, since it includes abortion and...
Pro-abortion, anti-liberty zealot Rep. Nancy Pelosi has inadvertently done the pro-life cause a favor. On Monday the House Minority Leader held a...