Last week the Associated Press breathlessly announced that federal grant money given to the Iowa Family Policy Center (IFPC) may have helped...
Charles Blow offers a decidedly schizophrenic view at the New York Times about children, religion and sex that merits a thorough fact...
The latest data from Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows that they performed 332,278 termination procedures according to their 2009 annual report which...
New figures from 2010 show 18 Komen for the Cure affiliates giving over a half million dollars to the abortion giant Planned...
New media is an effective tool to be utilized in today’s most important debates, as Live Action can testify. Founded in 2003...
This new survey data released by the Minnesota Department of Health shows that 73 out of 11,500 abortions performed in Minnesota last...
At Live Action’s channel at YouTube, there are over a thousand comments, both critical and supportive. One in particular caught our eye...
The State of Minnesota has released its 2010 report on abortion and it finds that abortion has dropped 7% since 2009. Planned...
Steve Heilig at the Huffington Post wrote: “Three decades ago, medical and public health students at UCLA were sometimes taken on a...
A letter to the editor (LTE) of the Las Vegas Sun shows some members of the public continue to believe that Planned...
National Right to Life has a clear, solid overview of Planned Parenthood’s abortion statistics and revenue posted on its news site yesterday....
I hope everyone notices the irony in the news today. Because Planned Parenthood has been defunded $1.8 million in New Hampshire, they...
Good news for Planned Parenthood? They are not the only abortion providers that fail to report child rapes. Three Louisiana abortion clinics...
Americans United for Life just dropped a bombshell on Planned Parenthood with their new 37-page report that summarizes the abortion giant’s scandals...