A now-retracted, leaked FBI memo published by former special agent Kyle Seraphin appears to show that the bureau’s division in Richmond, Virginia, has...
Dr. Christina Francis, a practicing OB-GYN and CEO-elect of the American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs (AAPLOG), is speaking out after the organization...
A North Carolina man is accused of murdering one of his newborn children after the mother refused an abortion. Robert Middleton is currently...
A group of 20 Democrat governors, led by California Governor Gavin Newsom, have formed an alliance to protect abortion. Called the Reproductive...
The Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) has issued a press release claiming that one of its meetings was infiltrated by an undercover informant...
San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors is considering repealing a 2019 ordinance that bans employees from travel to pro-life states and from doing...
In a new interview, a Canadian doctor who commits euthanasia spoke about how “meaningful” her work is — but also criticized how...
A comedy show called “Bro v. Wade” is scheduled for February 23 to raise money for abortion — and features a group...
While the mainstream media continues to ignore the abortion industry’s abuses, alleged white supremacy, and allegations of racism, both the media and abortion...
In a clear example of abortion tourism, an abortion business in New York is offering a new program for women living in pro-life...
A notable Massachusetts Democrat is under fire after arguing that abortion should be legal so preborn babies with disabilities can be aborted...
Pro-abortion attorneys general from 21 states and the District of Columbia are arguing that restricting the use of the abortion pill would...
(Pregnancy Help News) Zoey O’Hehir took the phone call from her OB/GYN while she was teaching her preschool class in Central West/Orana...
(National Review) The newly released 2021 data from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) has received a great deal of attention...