In her 2022 memoir, abortionist Christine Henneberg told the story of a pregnant Black woman who came to the hospital where Henneberg...
Since 1973, the Guttmacher Institute has counted 12.2 million more abortions beyond the published totals reported by the Centers for Disease Control...
Numerous media outlets are promoting a poll which found that a majority of Tennessee voters support the addition of “exceptions” to the...
In September, the Biden administration mandated that abortions be committed at Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals — approving abortions for pregnant veterans and their...
Tennessee lawmakers are mobilizing to add exceptions to the state’s trigger law, which protects preborn children from abortion. One senator mentioned the...
Pro-life advocates outside a North Carolina abortion facility say they witnessed a young girl — who appeared to be Hispanic — being escorted...
A study just published by the Commonwealth Fund, which claims that states that have banned or restricted abortion have higher rates of maternal...
The declining number of surgical abortion facilities is no secret — it’s been happening for over a decade. But as more of...
A new satirical video in the “Pro-Choice Bosses” series from Live Action takes aim at corporate policies promoting abortion to women. While...
When Roe v. Wade was overturned on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court decision affected the United States as well as the...
A social media firestorm erupted after the so-called “Twitter files” revealed widespread censorship and discrimination among Twitter employees and executives. In a...
A Franciscan friar who groomed and raped a college student with a history of trauma and abuse has pleaded guilty to a...
The New Republic published an article on December 13 titled, “The Anti-Abortion Movement Is More Conspiracy-Addled Than Ever” which asserts that the...
(Pregnancy Help News) Second chances—they are real, and the results are life changing. In fact, since 2012, statistics inform us that second chances in...