(National Review) Gallup recently released the results of its annual survey of Americans’ attitudes toward abortion. The results may come as a disappointment...
A recent wave of pro-abortion terrorist violence has swept the nation, with violence so far focused on pregnancy centers and churches. While...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), speaking to reporters on Thursday, was asked to respond to the Catholic position on abortion as murder,...
Recently, the Dallas Independent School District (ISD) school board voted to adopt new sex ed curricula that place a greater emphasis on...
(National Review) Last week, the Wall Street Journal released the results of a poll of public opinion on abortion, conducted with the National...
Just days after an assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which was specifically motivated by the potential fall of Roe...
Data just released by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute reports on the end of a long-term decline in abortions in the United States. According to...
A recent article by Dr. Diana Greene Foster in Politico made six predictions for life if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and called “staying...
Five-year-old Khovny Vignery owes her name and her life to doctors Stephanie and Dmitry Dukhovny. Both work at the Oregon Health and...
When people learn what abortion really is, they change. That’s the impetus behind Live Action’s groundbreaking new “What is Abortion?” video series....
Seven years ago in 2015, Live Action released a video series to show and explain the details of each common type of...
The Biden administration has awarded a grant to Planned Parenthood of Greater New York as part of the Substance Abuse and Mental...
An abortion activist was tackled by Secret Service after she tried to chase down President Biden’s presidential motorcade last week. The motorcade...
Trust Women in Wichita, Kansas — an abortion facility located in the same building as George Tiller’s late-term abortion business — has...