UPDATE, 2/21/19, Live Action News: Pro-life activist Bryan Kemper, whose tweet was featured on National Review, was locked out of his account...
(Pregnancy Help News) [Last] week, hearings moved forward on a Connecticut bill which would ban pro-life pregnancy centers from advertising themselves in...
(Life Site News) A former abortionist told a massive crowd at the 46th March for Life in Washington, D.C. [in January] that the...
(National Review) With every step they take toward a more radically pro-abortion platform, Democratic politicians are stepping further away from the views...
The message of the pro-life cause is one of compassion, and our goal is to offer support to women and their babies....
(Pregnancy Help News) Following a major federal court loss last fall, the state of Hawaii will pay more than $60,000 to cover the...
(Life Site News) Pro-life advocate David Daleiden decried what he said was “collusion” that he witnessed happening in court yesterday between California’s...
(Life Site News) When I testified before Congress the first time in November 2009, I presented a shocking document I titled “Best Practices...
(Secular Pro-Life) Recently the FB group Defund Live Action posted this: I can see an argument for avoiding the word “baby” while discussing...
(National Review) Abortion-rights supporters and their media allies have dedicated much of the last week and a half to careful parsing of the...
The most effective prison has no guards with guns, nor cells with bars. The enslavement of the mind in the prison of...
My pregnancy started off like many others: two little pink lines, shock, joy, and overwhelming love. My husband and I were so...
In an attempt to justify his support for a bill that would allow abortions at any “stage of pregnancy,” the communications director...
(The Daily Signal) “Being pro-life isn’t a party issue, it’s based on a value system. Caring about every stage of life is pro-life.” These...