While every high school graduation is a cause for celebration, for the family of Braden West it’s an especially momentous occasion. That’s...
In early 1984, Rosa Silva, a Chilean woman working as a paramedic, was told to have an abortion. She learned that she...
A man with a severe illness in China has a new lease on life after a series of surgeries has enabled him...
In 2013, 33-year-old Jennie Thornton from the United Kingdom announced that she planned to go to Dignitas to die by assisted suicide. Diagnosed...
Candice, 25, was divorced and suffering from addiction, and had lost custody of her three children. She was in a self-described “cycle...
Abortion advocates have departed from the mantra of “safe, legal, and rare” and have embraced celebrating abortion with the hashtag #shoutyourabortion, calling...
A puppy at Jackson County Animal Shelter in Michigan found the perfect home when the Boyers family found him. Brandon Boyers had...
Actor Jim Caviezel, best known for playing Jesus in the film, “The Passion of the Christ,” has never shied away from discussing...
It is increasingly common to hear adults complain about the presence of children and to denigrate childrearing. Children are often seen as...
(Pregnancy Help News) Abortion is not the answer. The doctors wanted me to abort my son and try again later. They said...
A baby girl born July 15, four months before her due date, is said to be doing well though her twin sister...
Thousands of people from Lake Charles, Louisiana, were forced to evacuate as Hurricane Laura approached from the Gulf of Mexico last week....
(Right to Life UK) A two-year-old from Cambridge born with her stomach, liver and bowel on the outside of her body continues...
Every day, countless women are pressured to choose between themselves and their babies because of their personal situation — whether that’s their age,...