Mary Jean Doe, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, was just 12 years old when an older brother and...
Julia Schoch’s adopted daughter Jaelyn was conceived in rape when her birth mother was only 13 years old. Their story was told...
(Life Site News) Matt Walsh, a cultural and political commentator at The Daily Wire, took to Twitter to share the powerful story of...
In early 2006, Dana sobbed as she walked into a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. She could feel her body shaking and she...
An asylum-seeker from Italy who is remaining anonymous to protect her identity came to the United States to escape domestic violence. She...
At Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference on Wednesday, the first Unplanned Movie Scholarship was awarded to a young mother who is attending college...
Last year, Elouise Simpson was one of the first people in the United Kingdom to ever undergo surgery for spina bifida in...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world have been taking additional precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. When nurses...
LAN UPDATE, 4/17/20: CNN reports that new mom Angela Primachenko has been allowed at last to hold her newborn daughter due to...
An Australian man with Down syndrome has been struggling with isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thanks to the kindness of countless...
When it comes to abortion, society not only silences the voices of preborn children in abortion — it silences the voices of...
Erika Kapustinski grew up knowing she was adopted, but it wasn’t until high school that she really began asking questions about her...
At age 25 and living in North Carolina, Zoey Pardo found herself at the home of one of her cousins one evening,...
In the pro-life documentary Pro-Life Without Exception, Jim Hartman, father of Jesse, who has Down syndrome, spoke about the ways in which...