Live Action has released a video featuring the powerful story of Kathy Barnette, an author and television/radio commentator, who learned as a...
Note: The opinions expressed in this guest submission are solely the opinions of the author and are not necessarily reflective of the...
(The Daily Signal) A former NFL star who shunned an invitation to the White House in 2013 to protest President Barack Obama’s...
The best thing you’ll see on Super Bowl Sunday may not even involve a football — and no, it’s not the amazing...
Like many women who walk into an abortion appointment, Dusty Johns was feeling pressured. She didn’t want to end her pregnancy, but her...
In a recent episode of Made for Love, a marriage and family life-focused podcast, Maryland-based musician and artist Michael Corsini recounted an experience...
I was raised in a pro-life household with Christian parents, but all the values I had been raised with were questioned when...
Earlier this month, residents of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding area held the 33rd Annual Respect for Life March. The event is...
On January 22nd, the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) channel aired an hour-long film, “Life Journey with Shawn Carney.” Knowing that personal...
For Mason Doherty, a senior and a member of the varsity basketball team at St. Peter’s High School in Minnesota, three-pointers are...
My son Samuel reminds me every day that all human life matters, inside the womb and out, perfect little hands and feet...
Mary Iusso of Brampton, Ontario, knows that her daughter, Christina, is capable of having an extraordinary life. Sadly, because Christina was born...
Licensed clinical social worker Linda Couri formerly worked at the Planned Parenthood in Champaign, Illinois. She experienced a change of heart on...
“Can you look me in the eye and tell me that I shouldn’t exist? That I should be dead? That I deserved...