A panicked teenage mother and her boyfriend abandoned their baby boy in a Chicago alley, wrapped in a towel, stuffed into a...
In January 2016, the Delaneys, a North Carolina couple, learned that they were expecting twins. That same doctor appointment sonogram showed that the...
UPDATE 5/8/19: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have announced the name of their baby boy: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. View this post...
A recent paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Issues in Law and Medicine details lifesaving treatment and prenatal surgery being given to...
Former University of Kentucky linebacker Josh Allen has now been drafted to the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars, an occasion for celebration by anyone’s...
A Facebook page has shared a beautiful pro-life testimony of how a pregnancy resource center convinced a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy...
A premature baby is being hailed as a miracle after surviving being born 16 weeks early, at just 24 weeks of pregnancy....
Benjamin Watson, former NFL tight end for the New Orleans Saints, announced that he and his wife Kirsten welcomed newborn twins on...
The Talk About Adoption Facebook page recently shared the beautiful story of a mom named Paige who fought against her fears and...
When the baby of a 13-year-old mother was delivered into a toilet, Detroit firefighters stepped in to save the child’s life. On...
A man with Down syndrome who fought for his right to get married has died at 56, after 25 years of marriage....
Students for Life Ireland recently shared the story of Michael and his brother John Paul Jr. Michael was seven years old when...
Fourteen years ago, Allison Duhon had an abortion. It was her second pregnancy, and in both circumstances, she was unmarried and living...
As part of a series on the 50 Game Changers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Special Olympics, Dwayne “The Rock”...