Last year, Live Action News brought you the story of Noah Wall, a little boy with spina bifida who has truly defied...
Each year babies around the world, including in the United States, die from the inability to access breast milk. In the U.S.,...
Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff known as “Roe” in the infamous 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion nationwide, has died of...
Little Daisy Salter was born at 23 weeks and two days gestation, making it just beyond the window of survival by a...
I have been attending every March for Life since 2010, when I first came as a freshman with Fordham University’s Respect for...
Hi, my name is Camille, and an unplanned pregnancy is only a small part of my story. #wecandobetterthanabortion That’s how Camille Williams...
At 23 weeks gestation, Angela Bakker and her husband Michael were told that their preborn baby girl was likely going to die...
Approximately 1.4 percent of babies born each year are known as nano preemies, and weigh less than 2 pounds at birth. These...
When Allison and Josh Lewis were newly married, they planned on having no more than three children. But as life often goes,...
The window into the womb just got a little bigger. Ultrasounds have come a long way over the last few years, but now a...
According to new research in Europe, people who suffer from “locked-in syndrome” and have been unable to communicate because of lack of...
A Colorado woman, Amy Mendoza, shared her amazing story of abortion reversal with Denver’s Channel 7. After initially believing it wasn’t the...
(Aleteia, Sherry Antonetti) — I’ve been to marches; I’ve prayed at clinics. I’ve written articles and letters to the editor. And I have...
Every year, millions of Americans tune in to the Super Bowl — some focused on football and others on the commercials. Every year,...