At 17 weeks gestation, Miranda and her husband learned that their daughter’s heart was no longer beating. The couple was devastated by...
Carla Ricciardone and her husband, John Doherty, were happily awaiting the arrival of their first child, a baby girl named Marlo. The...
Ashley Shirley and her husband, Ronnie, were excited to be expecting their fourth baby. Already parents to Lilly, 5, Londyn, 3, and...
People without disabilities often view life with a disability as bleak. Babies diagnosed with a disability prenatally are often victims of abortion. Once...
In Spokane, Washington, Life Services pregnancy center has been working for 25 years to help women and their babies. But even after...
When Christina Fisher discovered she was pregnant in 2015, she felt she wasn’t in a good place financially to raise another child....
If every pregnant woman facing difficult circumstances could be assured she had the resources to carry her baby to term, do you...
In a video that has been viewed more than 16 million times, an orangutan at a zoo takes notice of a visitor’s baby...
On Friday, Pope Francis continued his trend of acknowledging the value of life at all stages via a surprise visit to the neonatal unit,...
Dede Chism and her daughter Abby Sinnet were on an emotional medical mission trip in Peru four years ago when they each...
Last summer, as the Planned Parenthood videos were unfolding, Addison recognized the abortion facility in one of the videos and relived her...
Rosie and Ruby Formosa were given only a 20% chance of survival when they were born conjoined and sharing an intestine. Now...
Most expecting parents look forward to their baby’s birth. They eagerly await each ultrasound, cherish the little kicks, marvel at their child’s...
Pro-life stories change hearts. The beauty of a life lived for love transforms those around us. The latest example set to hit...