A little girl who was born at just 23 weeks recently celebrated a big milestone: her first birthday. Dali-Grey Woodgates from West...
In a heartwarming story, a 61-year-old man in Mississippi learned he was a father for the first time shortly before meeting his...
Myra Jean Myers and her husband had children throughout the beginning of their marriage. When Myers discovered she was pregnant with her...
One Georgia mom has an unusual and unforgettable birth story to share with her daughter once she’s old enough — the little girl...
Following one woman’s announcement that she had to “escape” from Texas to undergo an abortion in California in order to end the...
A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with third-degree murder in the death of her newborn, months after she attempted to abort the...
After complications from spinal surgery left a Scottish woman paralyzed, she became depressed and planned to travel to Switzerland to undergo assisted...
Live Action news correspondent Christina Bennett recently sat down with Live Action’s founder and president, Lila Rose, to talk about Bennett’s journey...
After spending 23 years caring for neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) infants and their families, nurse Katrina Mullen has officially become an...
A young Florida couple has had the experience of a lifetime — giving birth to four babies in one year. Nicolas and...
In her memoir, “I Was Once Ashamed but I Am Now Forgiven: From Abortion to Healing,” a woman named Mary Sullivan wrote about...
For reasons not fully understood, a pregnant mother of three attempted to end her life and the life of her preborn baby...
On February 18, 98-year-old MaeDell Taylor Hawkins held her great-great-great-granddaughter for the first time at the nursing home where she lives in...
Seventeen years old, homeless, and with no parental guidance, Lisa Stribling discovered she was pregnant — again — as the result of...