Peter Sorg and his wife were barely out of high school, newly married with a toddler, and living with his wife’s parents...
The efforts of a group of surgeons in Ohio prove that, even while residing in the womb, children are valuable human beings...
Even though a couple’s child may only live for a short while in adverse prenatal diagnosis cases, their baby is no less...
A newborn baby girl was found abandoned in Thailand on December 19, covered in bruises, cuts, and bugs after villagers spotted her...
The special bond formed between a woman and one of her students led to a forever family. Seven-year-old William had cycled through...
Sarah Weddington, the pro-abortion attorney who argued the landmark Roe v. Wade case that led to the legalization of abortion in the...
On Christmas Day, longtime Washington, D.C.-area sidewalk counselor and pro-life activist Dick Retta passed away. He was 90 years old and is...
(Right to Life UK) — The Royal Preston Hospital in Lancashire has issued happy birthday wishes to its youngest ever premature baby...
Where some see challenges, Randall and Kelly Nichols of Hampton, Virginia, see opportunities. Nowhere was that more true than in the adoption...
An abandoned baby girl has reportedly been saved by a dog in India, which is believed to have cared for the newborn...
One 10-year-old Georgia girl had an important Christmas wish this year: to be adopted. Much to her surprise and delight, her wish...
Having a premature child in the NICU can be a harrowing experience any time of year, but it’s especially difficult during the...
Indiana mom Autumn Carver had a long road to meeting her third child, but that made the reunion all the sweeter. Now,...
Born prematurely at 26 weeks gestation in May 2019, Casen Hazlewood spent the first 154 days of his life outside the womb...