In Focus on the Family’s See Life series, a woman named Laura told her story of choosing life after her daughter was...
Sami Bates thought her family size was just right, so when she had to have surgery to remove precancerous cells on her...
Approximately half of all children born with Down syndrome have a congenital heart defect (CHD). For children in the United States, this...
A new report released by the Charlotte Lozier Institute is highlighting just how far science has come in understanding what takes place...
A New York woman is facing murder charges for deliberately killing her newly-delivered baby boy. According to the Erie County District Attorney’s...
The National Health Service has revealed that an abortion meant to kill a sick twin was botched, and accidentally killed the healthy...
Three-year-old Jessica Shannon had a challenging start to life, but the little girl has overcome the odds and is now ready to...
It’s been 20 years since the United States experienced the deadliest terrorist attack in our history. 2,977 people lost their lives on...
She didn’t have a car, a job, or a stable home — but that didn’t stop 20-year-old Shelly Welden from trekking almost...
In a world where parents are routinely encouraged to kill their preborn children who have Down syndrome, it can be difficult to...
Most mothers look forward to some recuperation and recovery from the ordeal that is labor and delivery. That’s why the story of...
An adoption video shared on TikTok of the emotional reaction a couple had when they saw their baby boy for the first...
Amell Lee-Lewis may have a disability, but it doesn’t define him — and it doesn’t hold him back. In November of 2016,...
Team USA Paralympian Matt Stutzman is widely known and respected in the field of archery, and part of what makes him so...