It seems Pastor Walter Moss was destined to be a pro-life crusader. Born to an unwed mother who never considered abortion but...
A premature baby thought to be the smallest to ever survive is finally going home, after spending over a year in the...
Each child, unique and unrepeatable, goes through an incredible journey within his or her mother’s womb from fertilization to the third trimester....
A baby boy in India with a massive heart tumor is home and healthy after undergoing a rare surgery to save his...
Kathy Sparks Lesnoff, president and CEO of Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers in Illinois, didn’t begin her career as a pro-life advocate...
Baby Ephraim Maleho is a reminder of the value of life, and it was the amniotic sac from his mother’s complex Caesarean...
The second trimester, measured 12-24 weeks after fertilization (14-26 weeks gestation), is a time of great growth for the preborn child. While...
The beauty of people with Down syndrome is on display at a new art exhibit that opened earlier this month in Kansas...
Live Action recently released a groundbreaking new video featuring Baby Olivia, the world’s most realistic and medically accurate animated representation of a child...
For most of human existence, prenatal development has largely been a mystery for the average person, and even for many in the...
Twenty-one years ago, Navy veteran Jerry Windle of Florida sat flipping through a magazine in a doctor’s office waiting room. Windle, who...
The science of human development shows that at the moment of fertilization, a new and unique human being comes into existence. During...
When Maria and AJ Santa Maria learned that their preborn child, Lucas, would be born with exencephaly, a condition considered fatal in which...
From a single-celled human to a human with a beating heart, brain waves, fingers, and toes, the miracle of human life developing...