For the ninth year in a row, Connecticut’s assisted suicide bill has failed to pass. The House Judiciary Committee has adjourned without...
According to Fox News, a watchdog group focused on experiments using animals has filed a complaint with the National Institutes of Health...
A United Kingdom mother has lost her final chance to save her daughter’s life after the UK Supreme Court refused to hear...
A recent Verily magazine article offered a look into one pregnant mother’s troubling experience of being aggressively pressured by a doctor to...
A bill that would guarantee health care for children surviving abortions is being mischaracterized by some who claim it would force babies...
Disability rights advocate Heidi Crowter is speaking up for the humanity of people who, like her, have Down syndrome. Crowter is part...
After years of inaction, world leaders are finally taking action against China. An international coalition — including the United States, Canada, the...
(Right to Life UK) [On March 15] the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill passed its second stage at the Northern Ireland...
The first independent report looking into human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims in China has been released, and the results are damning....
Pro-life groups reported today that upon arrival to the Texas Capitol to testify in favor of pro-life legislation, Capitol officers forced them...
A Georgia family is fighting to end organ transplant discrimination after realizing how close their daughter could have come to dying. David...
After an abortion law passed last year, pro-life physicians in New Zealand are suing the Crown to regain their conscience protections. The...
More than 1,500 people have signed an open letter in Northern Ireland calling for lawmakers to support the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion...
The day Joeli Brearley was fired from her job was a day she’ll never forget — partly because it was the day...