New Zealand will be voting on a referendum next month to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia. Last year, New Zealand lawmakers passed...
The United Kingdom announced plans to move forward with increased prenatal screening for conditions including Down syndrome. The program, which involves non-invasive...
Eight years after Crystal Kelley refused a $10,000 bribe to have an abortion, the little girl whose life she fought for has...
A mom of a little girl with Down syndrome is speaking out about the repeated pressure she faced to have an abortion...
(Women’s Rights Without Frontiers) Seng Moon, from Myanmar’s Kachin State, was lured by her sister-in-law to go to China for a well...
Trinity Lewis, the mother of 17-month-old Tinslee Lewis, has secured a win in the Second Court of Appeals in Fort Worth, Texas....
UPDATE 7/20/20: The decision to force a British family living in Australia for seven years to leave the country because they have...
A family battling to save their daughter’s life may have a new chance at hope. Last year, staff at Cook Children’s Medical...
Two men in India have been arrested for raping a child, and then using abortion to cover it up when she got...
A war against life is being waged in El Salvador where abortion is illegal. The Center for Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood...
A new report from a UK disability rights group along with US research paint a grim picture of what life is like...
MT Hall is the former director of a Birthright pregnancy resource center. In a book by pro-life author Terry Ianora, she tells...
A recent investigation from the Associated Press (AP) is finally opening the world’s eyes to the genocide against Uighur Muslims in China. In...
Many modern-day feminists consider female fertility and both childbearing and childrearing to be impediments to personal and professional fulfillment. Yet for others who consider themselves feminists...