The Trump administration recently threatened its veto power if the UN security council did not remove abortion-related language from a resolution aimed...
(Life Site News) Vincent Lambert, known as France’s Terri Schiavo, has lost his last possible legal recourse in his home country against a...
In a stunning example of what many see as judicial activism, the Kansas Supreme Court today upheld a lower court ruling against...
(The Daily Signal) “My body, my choice.” This is a common slogan among those who are pro-choice. It’s a handy little slogan. Any...
It is often assumed that a woman who conceives a child in rape will want to abort that child, or if she...
Five-month-old baby Logan Hatfield is lovingly adored by his older brother Jackson and his older sister Adalyn. According to his mother Jenna,...
Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing featured powerful testimony from abortion survivor Melissa Ohden. The hearing was on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection...
Venezuela, once an economically thriving country with massive oil reserves, has been so badly mismanaged that the country is in economic and...
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who came under scrutiny in January for comments he made which led many people to believe he supports...
On March 19, the United Nation’s 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women featured a side event entitled “Protecting...
A UK hospital is facing an inquest after a man in their care died in 2016 when they allegedly allowed him to...
People who opposed the legalization of assisted suicide in Canada continue to warn states in America about the dangers of legalizing it....
(Life Site News) A Dutch environmentalist legislator has suggested restricting surgeries for patients older than age 70 by allowing hospital geriatricians to decide...
(The Daily Signal) The Cut recently ran a piece by Jen Gann, an outspoken, pro-choice mother who details her journey through in vitro...