When people speak about legalizing assisted suicide, they often think that it will be used only for people suffering from terminal illnesses,...
Yesterday, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law new protections for babies born alive during abortion. According to the Arizona Capitol Times,...
(Save The Storks) In the United States, it is against the law to intentionally destroy the egg of a bald eagle. It’s true....
After a fight that lasted 170 years, the Whanganui River in New Zealand has received legal personhood. It is the second place...
It’s not unusual to hear people refer to people with Down syndrome as having special needs. But a new video wants to...
An adorable six-year-old girl is brightening up the world around her thanks to her parents’ refusal to abort her. Chelsea and Curtis...
Ashley Glass’s son Dylan was born at just 23 weeks gestation, and although children born this prematurely have an 18 percent greater chance of...
A commonsense bill that would have required lifesaving care for babies born alive in a failed abortion has been killed by New...
Former Planned Parenthood manager Sue Thayer describes in a new video how abortion facility workers can see with their own eyes that the...
(LifeSiteNews) – The two latest videos in Live Action’s investigation of Planned Parenthood feature testimony from former managers that the organization “treated...
Husband, father, and ESPN writer Royce Young recently posted a photo of his pregnant wife, Keri, on Facebook that has been shared...
Assisted suicide continues to spread throughout the country, with multiple states considering making it legal. Washington, D.C., recently passed a bill legalizing...
Pro-abortion activists claim that abortion is always a woman’s choice. But all too often, women are pressured into having abortions by their...
The Texas Department of State Health Services has approved licenses for three abortion facilities to be located in Waco, Austin, and Houston....