In recent years Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, and Arizona have passed bills in order to try to lower the number of assisted suicides in...
(Save the 1) I want a world where violence does not exist! I want a world where respect exists, and equality and...
Salon’s Amanda Marcotte recently sat down for a conversation with Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s Alencia Johnson to talk about Planned Parenthood’s strategy for...
As Live Action News previously reported, earlier this week the Ohio legislature passed a bill banning most abortions after the fetal heartbeat...
Human Coalition (previously known as Online for Life) recently announced that Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Atlanta is now a member of...
In a 2015 report by the European Centre for Law and Justice called “Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide in Europe,” a...
Women who have medical abortions (abortions by pill) often go through the traumatic experience of seeing their aborted babies’ dead bodies. Live...
A woman who claimed her baby was the result of sexual assault gave that as an excuse for drowning her infant so that she...
The Netherlands is one of the most euthanasia-friendly countries in the world, allowing people to kill themselves for virtually any reason. That...
Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, shared an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump in an email today, urging Trump...
Pro-choice activists have often complained about the shortage of abortionists in the United States. Late-term abortionists are even harder to find, and some...
According to the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number and rate of abortions in the...
For World Down Syndrome Day in 2014, Italian Down syndrome advocacy organization CoorDown released a video titled Dear Future Mom.” The video was created...
Last week, rapper Nick Cannon appeared on New York City’s “The Breakfast Club” radio show. When host Charlamagne Tha God brought up...