In Fargo, many more students will now have the opportunity to learn about the value and dignity of the preborn because two...
The essay “Products of Conception” is a first-hand account from a nurse who worked in a hospital that did abortions. It appeared...
You may not know her name, but you certainly know her impact. She’s the face of Hobby Lobby, the face of the...
Last week’s shocking story of a mom who paid $25,000 to kill her 8-month-old disabled preborn baby is, perhaps, one of the...
A story on Yahoo! Parenting tells of a woman who chose to have an abortion at 36 weeks, believing it was the right...
I met Kathleen at last year’s Values Voter Summit. I was working the Live Action Table, and although thousands of people passed...
The state of California thinks churches should be forced to provide abortion coverage to its employees, no matter what its convictions, but...
It should have been a routine abortion in the early second trimester. The woman was having her ninth abortion, as former Serbian...
The ongoing battle between the Fargo, ND, school district and students trying to start pro-life clubs on two of the district’s campuses...
Those engaged in the battle for life are well familiar with the Life Training Institute’s Scott Klusendorf. He’s debated everyone from the International...
A North Dakota school district says students can form pro-life clubs after it received accusations of discrimination. But pro-lifers say the school...
Isabell Akers is about to graduate from Hampton-Dumont High School in Hampton, IA, and she’s fighting for a legacy of life to...
Last week, Kansas passed a ban on dismemberment abortion —this week, its neighbor to the south, Oklahoma, followed suit. On Monday, Oklahoma Governor...
Pro-choice author Jennifer Baumgardner, who started the t-shirt campaign “I Had An Abortion” told the story of an abortion patient in her...