Monday will dawn with more hope for the unborn in Alabama, where the only abortion clinic in the northern region of the...
On June 6th, the Live Action summer interns (Erin, Claire and myself) participated in what was our first distribution of The Advocate,...
In a May first article, Live Action’s Lauren Enriquez told the story of a 12-year-old incest victim who was scheduled for an abortion...
Once again abortion and domestic violence are intertwined as earlier this month an Ohio father pled guilty to beating his 17-year-old daughter...
California Planned Parenthood affiliates launched an alert to members of the state legislature, urging lawmakers to kill all pro-life measures, including amendments...
“Are American girls somehow less valuable, or do they deserve less dignity, less worth?” Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) proffered this question to...
Florida governor Rick Scott signed a bill into law this morning which bans aborting pre-born children who have reached the age of viability...
Louisiana has joined the ranks of states taking proactive measures in favor of women’s health by requiring abortionists to obtain hospital admitting...
Local news in Corpus Christi, TX reports that the sole abortion provider in the city has decided to retire and close his...
A pair of pro-life activists heard an abortion clinic worker make a startling statement as documented in a 2014 book called Stories from...
Another Texas abortion clinic has closed, the result of new laws which require medical standards be applied to clinics in order to...
On June 30 of this year, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri will close the doors of their Hays center according to...
Alabama abortion supporters have not been very tolerant recently. Paul Lake, a regular sidewalk counselor outside the West Alabama Women’s Center, which...
A pro-life teenager was assaulted this weekend after standing up for his pro-life beliefs. Ke’Ontai contacted Students for Life from the emergency...