"They will not resuscitate."
Specially designed.
"It makes me sick to think what beautiful moments I would have missed these past two years if I had taken a...
Training pro-life leaders.
So, so horrible.
There is so much each and every one of us can do.
Except this abortionist is possibly even worse.
"I truly feel that no matter the circumstances surrounding the conception of the child, the child should not be punished for the...
The Family Planning Associates abortion center in Phoenix, Arizona has come under scrutiny for statement captured in an undercover investigation released by Live...
Summertime is almost here, or already here for some people. That means it’s time to get around town and make the most...
In a now-infamous Planned Parenthood video, the organization betrayed its love for abortion-above-all-else when a representative, testifying against language in Florida HB 1129, proudly admitted...
Alive today because of the undying love and affection of his mother.
Putting their athletic skills to good use!