An abortionist in Spain has been ordered to pay child support for the next 25 years for a child he failed to...
It's time to take a stand in the war against baby girls.
What gives anyone the right to decide whose life is worth living and whose isn't?
To those of you who work or volunteer at pregnancy centers, thank you!
A video was released today promoting a “New Abortion Caravan” in Canada that will begin May 29 of this year.
Kudos to Maurice Vellacott for calling special attention to the bullying that no one seems to care about.
Further proof that pro-life activists are rarely "unlawful."
Rest in peace.
With all the horrible crimes against women perpetrated around the world, you'd think the pro-choice movement would have better things to do...
From "Abort Perry" to "Gays for Vajays," this was definitely several steps removed from the discourse at your standard March for Life.
Schindler's many sacrifices should put things in perspective for the present-day pro-life movement (and for everyone else).
Shared over 2,000 times, a short tale about a doctor and a pregnant woman is packing serious punch.
The Signal Hill has a smart video on YouTube that turns on its head the deceptive language that abortion advocates like Planned...
Last night, Tuesday, April 26, the leaders of 40 Days for Life put on a teleconference that I was privileged to be...