The launch of the new website is in conjunction with the newly released movie about a young woman who discovers she is...
There’s no place like home! The latest anti-abortion bill considered by the Kansas House of Representatives has created quite a stir, what...
I along with thousands of other movie goers filled theatres last year to watch the popular film, “The Help”. “The Help” told...
Throughout the ages, dark forces all over the globe have advanced one single argument, an argument which has resulted in the torment...
Last night, 3/13/12, Students for Life of America put on a webcast discussing religious freedom and the contraceptive/abortion drug mandate. I was...
Last week, I wrote about two parents who filed a “wrongful birth” suit against their hospital, because their daughter was not prenatally...
Gathering at 1625 N. Opdyke Road in Auburn Hills, Michigan, on March 8th, many pro-life groups united to show their determined opposition...
Check out this powerful video showing the great gift of life, even if that life has Down Syndrome! Share the video!
I have a daughter. We’ll call her Peanut. Peanut has cystic fibrosis. She is a survivor, in more than one way. She...
Angie Kim’s on a mission – one that many would deem impossible. The 15-year-old activist and her Teenage Life Club plan to...
Abby Johnson devoted 8 years of her life to Planned Parenthood. On March 2nd, she spoke to approximately 700 people at an...
On Tuesday, Liberty Counsel announced that it will be partnering with the pro-life organization, Personhood USA. The partnership will help both groups...
Recently Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards asked women to post videos on YouTube, to “have their say.” Fr. John Hollowell takes her...
It’s commonly understood that having a baby is the way to bring new life into the world. And typically, a life should...