In 2013, 33-year-old Jennie Thornton from the United Kingdom announced that she planned to go to Dignitas to die by assisted suicide. Diagnosed...
The live-action remake of “Mulan” seems to have been massively successful for the Walt Disney Company. The movie reportedly led to a...
In August, the Mexican pro-life group Los Inocentes de María (Mary’s Innocent Ones) dedicated a shrine in memory of abortion victims which...
(Right to Life UK) The Argentine Government has put plans to introduce abortion legislation on hold until 2021. President Alberto Fernández vowed...
The president of France has granted his blessing to a man who plans to live-stream his own suicide in protest of the...
In 2017, the state of Victoria became the first state in Australia to legalize assisted suicide. Anyone diagnosed with a terminal disease...
According to the Mirror, dangerous at-home abortions allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic will likely become permanent in the UK even after the...
A new study has found that approximately 6.8 million fewer girls are expected to be born in India by 2030 due to...
Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) spent $3.4 million funding chemical abortions (abortion pill) in 2019, according to Carol Nolan TD who revealed...
An investigative report from BuzzFeed News is bringing more attention to the genocidal efforts of the Chinese government towards the Uighur Muslims....
The former deputy prime minister of New Zealand is calling for the legalization of assisted suicide in the nation. Sir Michael Cullen...
A baby girl born July 15, four months before her due date, is said to be doing well though her twin sister...
In a recent tweet, columnist Sohrab Ahmari drew attention to the consequences of governments treating human beings as disposable. Criticizing a remark...
A woman in Belgium received approval from the government to be euthanized whenever she wishes, and is advocating for assisted suicide to...