Married Japanese voice actor Toru Furuya has voiced some iconic fictional characters, including Tuxedo Mask from “Sailor Moon” and Sabo from “One...
The Pontifical Academy for Life recently hosted a symposium on the importance of palliative care, and during it, Pope Francis spoke about...
An 82-year-old mother in the United Kingdom (UK) is demanding answers after discovering that her son, who she thought had been missing,...
Thailand has accepted 48 Uyghurs, requesting refugee status from China, but the United Nations (UN) has allegedly refused to provide aid. As...
(Right to Life UK) — There were a record 252,122 abortions in England and Wales in 2022 according to statistics released by the...
The German Parliament has voted to downgrade the crime of possession of child sexual abuse materials from a felony to a misdemeanor....
(Right to Life UK) — In a major pro-life victory, two extreme abortion up to birth amendments, which would have made it...
Recent reports have revealed that a number of East Asian countries face a startling population decline that may drastically impact the future...
(Right to Life UK) — A large cross-party group of MPs, led by Flick Drummond MP, have tabled an amendment to the Criminal...
(Right to Life UK) — A baby girl who was born weighing just 14oz and had to spend 131 days in hospital...
The government in Victoria, Australia, is paying for a campaign to increase the number of egg and sperm donors, despite the ongoing...
A woman accused of stealing thousands of dollars from the customers of her surrogacy agency has been arrested by the FBI and is...
An actress from the United Kingdom is speaking out against a proposal to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in the country. Liz...
On May 4, 2024, tens of thousands of Colombians gathered for the 18th National March for Life in their country. Colombia’s March for...