On Friday, July 21, 2017, a pre-court hearing was held regarding the latest brain scan of Charlie Gard and whether or not...
Flippant distribution of contraceptives is a superficial Band-Aid which masks a social pandemic of responsibility-free sex and poor education without curing the...
Last week, Nigerian pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha destroyed a BBC anchor’s claims that African women “need” abortion in order to get out of...
A 37-year-old Italian mother is suing a hospital for failing to abort her child, who was subsequently born healthy. The incident occurred...
Though China’s oppressive One-Child Policy has been relaxed to a (no less oppressive) Two-Child Policy, the pressure to abort female children remains...
In a medical first, twins have been born to a woman who was declared brain-dead and was kept on life support for...
A new court hearing is underway to determine if Charlie Gard, the baby whose fate has captivated the world, will be allowed...
This week, the United Nations Population Fund and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a family planning summit in London, in...
Marie-Claude Bibeau, the Canadian Minister of International Development, made some eyebrow-raising remarks at a London Family Planning Summit this week regarding the...
The current Canadian government is one of the most aggressively pro-abortion governments in the world – not just in terms of domestic...
Yesterday, the China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) released new, more stringent eligibility requirements for adoption, effective immediately. These new requirements...
Over 70,000 pro-lifers took to the streets of Dublin, Ireland, on July 1, 2017, to tell the government not to repeal the 8th...
The largest trade association and union for doctors in the United Kingdom, the British Medical Association, has just voted to adopt the...
The British Medical Association will have their annual meeting this month, and is set to include a special debate session on adopting...