We all have to do what is right when it comes to China.
Abortion may be legal in Italy, but there exists strong sentiment against it.
I was born in December of 1988 in the country of Kazakhstan. A year after my birth, my mother realized that she...
Making progress for the pro-life cause all around the world.
Not exactly a subtle approach from the Chinese government.
Welcome to the world abortion has created.
A pro-life MP is heroically challenging four hundred years of lax Canadian abortion law.
There's been a flurry of updates on the situation of Chinese pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng since his story hit the mainstream this...
Will President Obama and his administration stand up for human rights worldwide?
Chen Guangcheng may be in U.S. protective custody now. If so, he's one of the lucky ones.
Portugal may join the ranks of pro-life nations like Ireland and Hungary with its latest pro-life constitutional initiative, but widespread international pressure...
After an ongoing abortion battle for the last eight years, the Brazilian Supreme Court on April 12 ruled in favor of an...
The U.K.'s leading abortion provider is afraid that the new wave of anti-abortion laws and protests will frighten young doctors away from...
I am very familiar with stories of babies who have tragically died, whether through natural causes or abortion. These stories can cause...