Previously, a Dutch hospital confirmed that one of its gynecologists, Jan Karbaat, had been inseminating fertility patients with his own sperm, fathering...
Pope Francis called surrogacy “deplorable” in a speech to the world’s ambassadors on Monday, calling for a universal ban on the “despicable”...
An elderly woman in Australia has won a court battle to retrieve sperm from her dead husband, with the goal of having...
A nine-year study conducted in New Zealand and published in 2023 found that support for abortion slowed after the study participants became...
An investigation by undercover journalists has exposed an illegal surrogacy ring in China, including the unknown fate of children labeled “deformed.” Chinese...
(Right to Life UK) — The father of a now healthy baby girl who was born three months prematurely has made his...
Legislators in Brazil have passed an amendment to their budget aimed at banning taxpayer funding of abortion, but the president is expected...
Pro-lifers exercising peaceful prayer in Europe continue to be persecuted — this time, in Spain. ACI Prensa reports that the Government Delegation...
In his Christmas Day message on Monday, Pope Francis used strong words to condemn abortion when he spoke to a crowd of...
Parents of a 16-year-old girl are blaming hormonal birth control for her sudden death just days before Christmas in England. According to...
The Catholic Church will mark the Feast of the Holy Innocents on December 28, and cities in Latin America and Spain will...
A Canadian woman chose to end her own life through the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) because she was unable to...
A court in the United Kingdom ruled last week that a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which establishes a “buffer zone” around...
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday ruled that a Polish court that denied a woman an abortion violated the woman’s...