In New Brunswick, Canada, a community recently came together to honor the 77th birthday of one of their most beloved residents, Bruce...
Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization (WHO) has made disturbing claims about abortion in apparent reaction to court decisions restricting...
A new special on Hulu features Pope Francis having conversations with young people from around the world on difficult topics. The program,...
An Australian mother who was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer at 22 weeks pregnant is fighting for two lives: her own and...
Swiss prosecutors have asked an appeals court to reexamine the case of Dr. Pierre Beck, a doctor who euthanized a healthy woman...
(Right to Life UK) A Welsh mum was told her daughter would not survive birth and was offered an abortion at 22...
The number of people who died from euthanasia in the Netherlands has risen again, in higher percentages than in years past. According...
The Republic of Ireland has reported a increase in the number of abortions committed, but their government is still pushing to have...
The United Nations Rights of Persons with Disabilities Committee has agreed to consider a complaint regarding the possible violation of the rights...
Claire McDaid of Letterkenny, Ireland, was given shocking news when she went in for her 25-week ultrasound for her preborn daughter. At...
Lawmakers in Portugal have again attempted to legalize euthanasia, with Parliament passing another version of the bill it’s been trying to advance...
A 68-year-old Spanish actress has revealed that her newly adopted baby girl was born to a surrogate… using sperm from her dead...
France’s President Emmanuel Macron announced Monday that the country will be introducing legislation to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia later this year....
(C-Fam, New York) Delegates erupted in applause when a Holy See diplomat accused Western countries of ganging up to have their way on...