An 88-year-old woman starved to death in the last 28 days of her life after doctors withheld nutrition and hydration from her...
In February, the BBC released its investigation into 57 pro-life pregnancy centers in the UK and the support they offer to women facing unplanned...
(New York, C-Fam) Starting this past Monday, the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) brings together thousands of abortion and...
A young woman adopted from China now living in the United States is speaking out about her gratitude for her birth parents’...
(Daily Signal) Efrat sits in a quiet Jerusalem neighborhood, a pregnancy center housed in a modest-looking building with a noble goal: to...
“You can’t be a Catholic and support abortion!” This line is not uncommon among Catholics who stand for life, and it’s no...
A little girl who was born at just 23 weeks recently celebrated a big milestone: her first birthday. Dali-Grey Woodgates from West...
(New York, C-Fam) Attendees crowded into a conference room a week ago at UN headquarters to hear expert testimony about the importance of...
Pro-abortion groups are pressuring the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) to condemn El Salvador for not allowing a woman to undergo...
A group of 32 pro-abortion protesters in Poland have been acquitted of “maliciously interfering with a religious act” after storming into a...
After complications from spinal surgery left a Scottish woman paralyzed, she became depressed and planned to travel to Switzerland to undergo assisted...
(TC Public Relations) Human Life International has a front row seat to abuses against women in Africa. The global, Catholic, pro-life organization...
According to NPR, during the first months of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, supply lines into the nation were shut down. But...
Belgium has made international headlines after a woman convicted of murdering her five children 16 years ago was euthanized. She had been...