An 18-year-old young woman from Windsor, England, is on a mission to change the country’s discriminatory abortion laws. Millie Anna Prelogar, who has...
As Canadian doctors are instructed to offer assisted suicide to their patients, La Maison Simons, a fashion retailer based in Canada, has released...
French officials have announced that a coalition of 150 citizens will determine the future of euthanasia in the country. The randomly-selected panel...
The Public Health Ministry in Thailand has approved a measure allowing abortions to be committed through 20 weeks of pregnancy, extending a...
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has determined that the rights of a 20-year-old woman were violated when her parents forced...
The effects of a decades-old policy of forced adoption in Australia continue to haunt many of the estimated tens of thousands of...
A woman who survived a brutal rape is begging for permission to be euthanized in India, saying there is no hope for...
A 23-year-old survivor of a terrorist attack was euthanized earlier this year in Belgium, despite concerns that not everything possible had been...
The first attempt in France to make abortion a constitutional right has failed, reports The Guardian. Though the government has said that...
A 54-year-old man in Ontario, Canada, has applied for Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) — not because he’s ill, but because he’s facing...
According to the Catholic News Agency (CNA), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has unanimously ruled in favor of a former...
A council in England has made it illegal to pray, use the sign of the cross, or read scripture aloud within an...
Recently, Live Action News reported that the Quebec College of Physicians has made a recommendation that infants who experience “grave malformations” where...
(Right to Life UK) [On October 18], MPs voted by 297 votes to 110 in support of an amendment to the Public Order...